Appraisals & Promotions: Top 5 Hacks
Are you s eeking a Pay Raise and Promotion during the Appraisal season? If Yes then you must communicate about your milestones, and achievements and show evident readiness for the higher role. Top hacks for you to consider… BE CONFIDENT : Your Self-Worth is your weapon and you must be confident about portraying it whenever you need to. Do not assume that your appraisal-evaluation team will do their groundwork to know about the new skills that you have acquired. You must speak about it! SPEAK UP: Have you ever seen a good leader who does not communicate well? You wouldn’t. Silence is not a good or right way to lead a big team. All human beings need interaction and a good leader must learn to communicate well too. In a world full of social platform push messages, the human psyche is attuned to more information (even without asking for it). So, when it comes to seeking a promotion, why would you not find a reason to speak up.? Do not get lost in the crowd - Stand out by spea...